Faith and Foundation

Arndell Anglican College is a vibrant Christian learning community dedicated to providing a Christ-centred education that shapes students to live with purpose in God’s world. Rooted in the teachings of the Bible, our foundation is in Jesus Christ, who calls us into a relationship with God.

As a proud member of the Anglican Schools Corporation, we nurture and educate young people in accordance with the doctrines, tenets, beliefs and teachings of the Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney.

We warmly welcome families who support the Christian ethos of our College. Every student actively participates in the spiritual life of the school, including subject specific lessons and Chapel. Our dedicated staff, guided by the Headmaster and Executive team, lead this mission, fostering faith, learning, and character in every student. Staff regularly meet to hear from God’s word and pray for our College. Our prayer is that all in our community might have an encounter with Jesus and come to a personal relationship through his love leading to a life of serving him.

Students are encouraged to engage thoughtfully and respectfully with different worldviews and religions while developing a Christian perspective grounded in the Bible. Weekly Chapel services remind the community of the life giving message of Jesus and provide opportunities for reflection on the hope found trusting in Jesus. Junior School students participate in dedicated Christian Education lessons while Secondary School students deepen their understanding through Biblical Studies, equipping them with a strong foundation in knowledge, faith and character.

Belief Statement

We believe God has revealed himself to us in His Word, the Bible, which teaches us:

God created all things and all things belong to Him. He created us in His likeness and desires a personal relationship with us.
We all reject God’s just rule and seek to run our lives without Him. This is called sin, it affects all relationships and God’s penalty is death.
However, because of God’s great love for us, He sent His son Jesus Christ to live amongst us. He willingly humbled himself and died on the cross to take the punishment we deserve as a consequence of our sin. God raised Jesus to life, defeating death once and for all and establishing him as ruler of all things for eternity.
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, Christians trust in the reality of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, confident that they are saved from sin and are called to follow Him in a redeemed and renewed relationship as adopted sons and daughters of God. In worship, love and gratitude, those trusting in Jesus seek in thought, word and deed to submit their lives to Christ and call others to Him. Christians anticipate Jesus’ return where they will live in a renewed creation, eternally under his rule as his people.
Our Anglican Community
For Parents
  • Do you want to send you children to a Christian camp or equip you children for youth ministry? We recommend Youthworks and CRU
  • Keep up to date with issues confronting Christians, and how our Archbishop tackles these with Biblical insight visit Sydney Anglicans
  • Looking to explore further Christian studies? For more than 150 years, Moore Theological College has been preparing men and women for a life-time of Christian ministry in which they will teach the Bible faithfully in the context of genuine, loving personal relationships. Moore Theological College
  • For books, articles on all the latest issues visit: Matthias Media
For Students
  • To find out about study camps, other camps and Year 13, please visit Youthworks or CRU
  • For journals with up to date information and for those who like to be stretched Biblically, please visit Matthias Media
  • If you want to know how to become a Christian or see a simple explanation of what Christians believe, we recommend visiting Two Ways to Live
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